2D Mobile Game: GameObject Brush

Ryan McCoach
2 min readMay 9, 2022



In this article, we will cover how to use the game object brush which replaced the prefab brush. Using the game object brush allows for the user to quickly paint in game objects into the tilemap just like a tile, which make for level design and iteration more efficient.

GameObject Brush

The game object brush is in the Tile Palette window. You will change the Default Brush to GameObject Brush.

There will need to be at least one instance of the game object prefab in the game scene to use it with the game object brush.

It is important you have the prefab setup before using the brush because essentially make clones of the current prefab in the game scene. If changes are made to the prefab after the game object brush was used, the changes will not be transfer to those prefabs already in scene that were place there by the brush.

In the Tile Palette window, increase the cell size to one and drag the prefab from the game scene to the Game Object. Once the game object pre fab is assigned, it can be used like any other brush and the other Tile Palette tools.

The game objects will be place in the hierarchy which can make it messy. In keeping things organize, create an empty game object to store all of the prefabs into. Now, all of the game object created by the brush can be easily be dragged and stored in one place.



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