2D Mobile Game: Idle Player Animation

Ryan McCoach
3 min readMar 16, 2022



In this article, we are going to get start with adding animations to the player. The first animation will be the Idle animation, which is the animation that will play when the player is not doing anything.

Importing the Animation

We are going to be adding the animation to the Player sprite, which holds the sprite image.

With the Animation window open and the Player Sprite selected, we are going to select Create to make an Animator and Animation Clip.

We will need to select a place in the project files to store the animation clips and we want to keep things organized, so inside the Player folder we create an Animation folder that will hold all of the player’s animations. We call this animation Idle_anim.

This creates an animation clip (Idle_anim), and Animation Controller (Sprite).

Creating the Animation

Select the Game Object you will be adding the animation to, which is the Sprite, and select the Record button. Once the Animation is Recording then select the animation frames and drag them into the Animation timeline and hit the record button to stop the importing.

You can preview the animation using the Play button. The original speed of 60 frames per second is too fast, so we can slow it down by lowing the Frame Rate.

Entering Play mode and looking at the Animator window we can see how the Idle animation is the default animation is continually runs. In the next article, we will continue to add a run animation to the player



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